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Clean Hydrogen’s Place in the Energy Transition presented compelling evidence on how rapid capital investment in green hydrogen over the next few years could significantly reduce its levelised cost to produce one of the cheapest forms of energy. Additionally, the report demonstrated that hydrogen has the potential to decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors, such as heavy industries and long-distance transport, helping to achieve the goal of Net Zero emissions by 2050.


Carbon Tracker presented the findings of our hydrogen research to a group of investment consultants, asset owners/managers and banks at the Innovate Energy Summit conference held in London. The outcome of this speech spurred more invitations for Carbon Tracker to present and debate findings at other hydrogen events and conferences across Europe and North America.


At COP 27, we launched our Africa focus report African Sun: Why Solar, Not Gas. The report concluded that investing in solar now, could help Africa reach its climate and energy goals more efficiently. With the timing of the research alongside significant media attention at the global summit, this report and was one of the highlights of COP 27 – leading to follow-up engagements and invitations to engage with African energy sector decision-makers.


Looking Ahead to 2023

As the demand for renewable technologies continues to rise, the ability on the supply side is now being questioned; more delays and bottlenecks show that some countries may be unable to meet Net Zero targets within their stipulated timeframes. Our 2023 agenda will continue to explore factors affecting the adoption of cleantech technologies, including: battery storage, wind power, supply chain issues surrounding renewable and energy deployment. A key area of research is exploring the scaling-up of battery technologies and whether those will be ready to replace phased-out coal and gas assets.

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